ACM Student Research Competition - Posters (Shrunken Versions)

* The full version of posters will be shown at the virtual conference room.

Time  Title  Iink to Posters
Wed 8 July
UTC 02:10 ~ 03:00

Exploring the Relationship between Dockerfile Quality and Project Charateristics
Yiwen Wu (National University of Defense Technology)

Towards Automated Migration for Blockchain-based Decentralized Application
Xiufeng Xu (Peking University) - Undergraduate

Stress Testing SMT Solvers via Type-aware Mutation
Chengyu Zhang (East China Normal University)

Does Fixing Bug Increase Robustness in Deep Learning?
Rangeet Pan (Iowa State University)

Detection and Mitigation of JIT-Induced Side Channels
Tegan Brennan (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Uncertainty-Guided Testing and Robustness Enhancement for Deep Learning Systems
Xiyue Zhang (Peking University)

Wed 8 July
UTC 09:10 ~ 10:00

The Role of Egocentric Bias in Undergraduate Agile Software Development Teams
Frederike Ramin (Hasso Plattner Institute)

Evaluation of brain activity while Pair Programming
Ananga Thapaliya (Innopolis University) - Undergraduate

Playing With Your Project Data in Scrum Retrospectives
Christoph Matthies (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam)

An empirical study of the first contributions of developers to open source projects on GitHub
Vikram N. Subramanian (University of Waterloo) - Undergraduate

Machine Translation Testing via Pathological Invariance
Shashij Gupta (IIT BOMBAY) - Undergraduate

Automated Analysis of Inter-Parameter Dependencies in Web APIs
Alberto Martin-Lopez (Universidad de Sevilla)

Wed 8 July
UTC 17:10 ~ 18:00

Improving Bug Detection and Fixing via Code Representation Learning
Yi Li (New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)

Automatic Generation of Simulink Models to Find Bugs in Cyber-Physical System Tool Chain using Deep Learning
Sohil Lal Shrestha (The University of Texas at Arlington)

Studying and Suggesting Logging Locations in Code Blocks
Zhenhao Li (Concordia University)

An Automated Framework For Gaming Platform To Test Multiple Games
Zihe Song (The University of Texas at Dallas)

Efficient test execution in End to End testing
Cristian Augusto (University of Oviedo)

An Empirical Study on the Evolution of Test Smell
Dong Jae Kim (Concordia University)